Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Manufactured landscapes are something of the past? No i dont think so manufactured landscapes are around me right now most of a city is with its roads, buildings, manicured lawns, bridges, and many other obtrosoties. Most of these landscapes have very little intent of being something important other than serving its own personal preference or idea.
For instance as a small child i remember going out to Kisatchie National Forest to the kisatchie bayou camp grounds and going there to swim and play out in the water. Now although this was a nice natural landscape it was shaped and a little manicured for human needs. of course there were gravel and paved roads leading up to the camp grounds. The interesting thing though is that there was a little creek that ran down the bayou and all this stones that were placed along the side and i can remember all these people coming along and through the stones in the path of the stream. Eventually these stones began to make like a little damn and although this was in a natural unkept landscape it started to become manufactured by the slight interference of us humans enjoying the day there.


  1. In the Kisatchie National Forest, you say the camp grounds were more affected by the exposure of campers more than it was when it was initially developed? Therefore the construction of it continued past it's completion date, and with every passing year of campers invading it's space, new remnants or remodeling and additions constantly change it for the next group of campers to come loping at it's ground.

    So in other words what you've described here is a case of ever changing undirected landscape manicure. That's a pretty interesting point!

  2. I agree, in that sense it's kind of like an unintentional manufactured landscape. Cool. I've never been there, but it sounds like a pretty nice site. I'll have to look it up.

  3. When I was younger my family would take trips to the mountains. I used to really enjoy throwing stomes and pebbles into the streams we came across when we would hike. Unknowingly i gues in a way I was contributing to a sort of natural unintentional manufactured landscape.
